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Degrees: Ph.D. Waterloo
Building: 214D Social Sciences Research Building
Phone: 613-520-2600 x8691

My research focuses on experiences of solitude across the lifespan and across cultures. In particular, I am interested in the development and implications of shyness, social withdrawal, and preference for solitude. My most recent research projects have focused on: (1) the costs and benefits of solitude in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood; (2) the challenges faced by shy and anxious children at school; and (3) the meaning and implications of social withdrawal in different cultures.

  • Tiffany Cheng
  • Megan DeGroot
  • Alicia McVarnock
  • Alyssa Nolan
  • Catherine Sarginson
  • Anna Stone

PhD Student, Psychology (Vanier Scholar)

Previous Degrees:

  • Master of Science, Applied Science, Saint Mary’s University
  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Saint Mary’s University

Research Interests:

I am a fourth-year PhD student in Developmental Psychology, working under the supervision of Dr. Robert Coplan. My research currently focuses on experiences of solitude during adolescence and emerging adulthood. I am specifically interested in looking beyond time alone to consider how the “what” (i.e., solitary activities), “why” (i.e., internal motivations), and “where” (i.e., environmental context) of solitude interact to predict well-being. I am also enthusiastic about advanced statistical techniques and hope to graduate with a concentration in Quantitative Methodology.

As a secondary line of research, I use participatory action, mixed (qualitative/quantitative) research methods to examine how community-based interventions can be leveraged to enhance ecological resilience in violence-affected youth.

Undergraduate Honours Thesis Title: Social withdrawal and academic achievement in emerging adulthood

Master of Science Thesis Title: Service quality, resilience, and social-emotional competence in vulnerable youth: What’s LOVE got to do with it?

Doctoral Dissertation Title: The “where” of solitude: A mixed-methods approach to examining the benefits of being alone versus with others in nature

Selected Publications:

McVarnock, A., Coplan, R. J., White, H., & Bowker, J. C. (2023). Looking beyond time alone: An examination of solitary activities in emerging adulthood. Journal of Personality, 00, 1-20.

McVarnock, A., Cheng, T., Polakova, L., & Coplan, R. J. (2023). Are you alone? Measuring solitude in childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1179677.

Zhu, J., McVarnock, A., Li, Y., Polakova, L., Xiang, S., Li, Y., & Coplan, R. J. (2023). Shyness and socio-emotional adjustment among young Chinese children: The moderating role of screen time. Behavioral Sciences, 13, 763.

Bekkhus, M., McVarnock, A., Coplan, R. J., Ulset, V. V., & Kraft, B. (2022). Developmental changes in the structure of shyness and internalizing symptoms from early to middle childhood. Child Development, 94(4), 1078-1086.

Closson, L. M., & McVarnock, A. M., & Cook, L. E. (2022). Is there an upside to social withdrawal? Considering well-being among socially withdrawn emerging adults. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17, 3131-3149.

Coplan, R. J., & McVarnock, A., Hipson, W. E., & Bowker, J, C. (2022). Alone with my phone? Examining beliefs about solitude and technology use in adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 00(0), 1-9.

McVarnock, A., & Closson, L. M. (2022). Subtypes of social withdrawal and academic adjustment in emerging adulthood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 40(2), 352-367.

Closson, L. M., McVarnock, A., & Sanford, K. (2019). Social withdrawal and social surrogacy in emerging adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 717-730.

MA Student, Psychology
Office: SSRB 210F

Previous Degrees:

  • Master of Arts Psychology, Carleton University: Data Science Specialization
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology, Carleton University: concentration in Social and Personality Psychology and minor in Neuroscience and Mental Health

Research Interests:

I am a first-year PhD student working with Dr. Robert Coplan. My research interests include examining the social and personality aspects that influence one’s experience of solitude. I am involved in a variety of projects with varying methodologies. Presently, I am researching the paradox of having a social identity as someone who enjoys solitude, and the various impacts of this social identity has on experience of solitude. I am also interested in examining the use of chatbots and AI to meet socialization needs. Finally, I am interested in methodology and statistics and I’m pursuing a concentration in quantitative methodology.

Selected Publications:

  • McVarnock, A., Cheng, T., Stone, A., & DeGroot, M. (In press). The Development of Social Withdrawal Research in Childhood and Adolescence Over 70 Years: A Systematic Scoping Review. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.
  • Brunetti, M., Sette, S., Cheng, T., Laghi, F., Longobardi, E., Pastorelli, C., Zuffianò, A., & Coplan, R. J (2024). Solitary groups: A latent profile analysis of motivations for social withdrawal and experiences of solitude in late childhood and early adolescence. Social Development, e12742.
  • Teodorescu, D., Cheng, T., Fyshe, A., & Mohammad, S. (2023). Language and Mental Health: Measures of Emotion Dynamics from Text as Linguistic Biosocial Markers. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 3117–3133). Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • McVarnock, A., Cheng, T., Polakova, L., & Coplan, R. J. (2023) Are you Alone? Measuring Solitude in Childhood, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14,
  • Tabri, N., Cheng, T., Palmer, L., Kim, H. S., Clark, L., & Wohl M. J. A. (Accepted). Testing the bifactor model of the Financially Focused Self-concept Scale. Journal of Gambling Issues
  • Zhu, J., Coplan, R.J., Jiang, Y., Cheng, T., Xie, M., Xiang, S., & Li, Y. Social Avoidance and Socio-Emotional Functioning among Young Chinese Children: The Moderating Role of Maternal Depressive Symptoms. Under review at Journal of Child and Family Studies
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