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Degrees: Ph.D. Waterloo
Building: 330 Paterson Hall
Phone: 613-520-2600 x8218

As a developmental psychologist, I have always been interested in transitions – how early adolescents cope with the daily hassles associated with puberty, peer pressure and parental conflict; the role that extra-curricular activities play in positive youth development throughout high school; the transition from adolescence to young adulthood and developmental phase called emerging adulthood; the transition to university and most recently, the transition to mid-life, understanding how women navigate the menopausal transition and it’s impact on successful aging.

My current research focus is two-fold:  a) A focus on emerging adulthood and the transition to university; identifying key factors that predict student engagement, with a particular interest in how supportive relationships with parents, peers and faculty, can facilitate this transition; and b) A focus on mid-life, understanding the psychological impact of menopause, the role of significant relationships in this transition and how body image at mid-life, influences well-being.

Positive Youth Development Lab

  • Brooklyn Rawlings
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