University of Guelph
Hi everyone,
My name is Olivia Dobson, and I am a PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Guelph. Our Pediatric Pain, Health and Communication Lab (run by Dr. Meghan McMurtry) studies how to make needle procedures, like vaccinations, the most comfortable they can be. I am currently recruiting participants for our research project: “Gathering Feedback on a Vaccination Social Story to Help Autistic Children and Their Caregivers.”
We are looking for: 1) autistic youth (ages 7-18 years) and their caregivers (18+); 2) professionals who work with autistic youth (e.g., occupational therapists); and 3) professionals who give vaccinations (e.g., pharmacists, nurses, physicians). All participants must live in Canada and speak English fluently. Autistic children and their caregivers must participate together as a pair.
Participating would involve the option to review our Social Story about vaccination before an interview (if desired) and then attending either an ~hour long virtual interview (for child-caregiver pairs) or focus group (for professionals) in which the Social Story is reviewed and then questions are asked about it (e.g., what do you like or dislike?).
I linked the recruitment flyers above, and attached the flyer for autism professionals. These can be emailed out, posted on websites, included in newsletters or memos, or otherwise circulated to your networks. If you add your own comments when sharing about this study, please include that services/funding and employment will not be impacted by their choice to participate or not.
Thank you, and please do not hesitate to contact me with interest or any questions.